25 Years Of Practice

One Brooklyn Health System, Inc. Computer Network Outage

On Behalf of | Dec 7, 2022 | Firm News |

On November 19, 2022, One Brooklyn Health System’s computer network went offline and remained offline for at least one week. During the outage, doctors and nurses were prevented from accessing electronic medical records and uploading test results to patient portals at Interfaith Medical Center, Brookdale Medical Center, and Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center. When outages of this nature occur, it’s likely patient care is disrupted putting patients’ health at risk. Also, if the incident is the result of a ransomware attack– One Brooklyn has declined to comment on the possibility– there is the potential that patients’ personal information may be at risk. If you or someone you know was affected by the computer outage and would like additional information about your legal rights, you can contact Goldenberg Schneider, LPA by calling 513-982-1569, sending an email to [email protected] or completing the “Contact Us” form to the right.

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