25 Years Of Practice

Independent Living Systems Data Breach Investigation

On Behalf of | Mar 22, 2023 | Firm News |

Independent Living Systems (“ILS”) experienced a data breach that affected 4,226,508 individuals’ personal information (“PI”) which included Social Security Numbers. The breach occurred when an unauthorized party accessed “ILS’” systems between June 30 and July 5, 2022. “ILS” posted a notice of the event on its website and submitted a report to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services on September 2, 2022. At that time “ILS” believed 502 individuals to be affected. Since then, the number has grown to 4 million plus individuals and “ILS” began providing written notice to affected individuals on March 14, 2023. If you or someone you know received a notice about the data breach and would like additional information about your legal rights, you can contact Goldenberg Schneider, LPA by calling 513-982-1569, sending an email to [email protected] or completing the “Contact Us” form to the right.

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